M. Sc. Jannik Zeiser

Jannik Zeiser studied philosophy and biology at the University Osnabrück. He completed his dual bachelor's degree with a thesis about responsibility in crash scenarios with autonomous vehicles. Thereafter, he studied Cognitive Science with a focus on philosophy and artificial intelligence. He joined an experimental study project about the acceptance of self-driving cars and wrote his master thesis about the question in which sense robot systems can be said to have agency.
Currently, Jannik Zeiser is a research assistant at the Leibniz University Hannover. He works in the interdisciplinary project "Bias and Discrimination in Big Data and Algorithmic Processing - BIAS" and is focussing his research on challenges posed by algorithmic decision making and data processing.
Research Focus
- Philosophy and ethics of artificial intelligence
- Algorithmic bias and its moral and epistemic implications
- The concept of discrimination
Moral judgements on the actions of self-driving cars and human drivers in dilemma siuations from different perspectives, Frontiers in psychology, 10, 2415 (with Kallioinen, N.; Pershina, M.; Nezami, N.; Stepan, A.; Pipa, G. & König, P.).
13/11/20 "Should We Believe the Algorithm? Fairness, Epistemic Responsibility and Moral Encroachment" Copenhagen Workshop on Algorithmic Fairness