The corona pandemic raises many issues deeply connected to the ethics and philosophy of science, and several institute members have been tackling these issues in their work. You can find what we''''ve written on corona here!
Lucie White, Can one both contribute to and benefit from herd immunity? Erasmus Journal of Philosophy and Economics
Lucie White, How models change the world - and what we should do about it, LSE COVID-19 Blog
Philippe van Basshuysen, Lucie White, Donal Khosrowi and Mathias Frisch, Three ways in which pandemic models may perform a pandemic, Erasmus Journal of Philosophy and Economics
Philippe van Basshuysen and Lucie White, Mit Kontaktdaten gegen die Pandemie: Zur Ethik von Corona Warn-Apps, Ethik in der Medizin
Lucie White, The NHS contact-tracing app fell foul of privacy concerns. But did they have the right idea? LSE COVID-19 Blog
Lucie White and Philippe van Basshuysen, Privacy versus public health? A reassessment of centralised versus decentralised digital contact tracing Science and Engineering Ethics
Philippe van Basshuysen and Lucie White, Bad data and flawed models? Fact-checking Winsberg et al.''''s case against lockdowns, LSE Philosophy Blog
Simon Lohse and Karim Bschir, Wider die Einseitigkeit: Ein Plädoyer für mehr Pluralismus in der öffentlichen Gesundheitspolitik, Soziopolis
Lucie White and Philippe van Basshuysen, Without a trace: why did corona apps fail?, Journal of Medical Ethics
Simon Lohse and Karim Bschir, The COVID-19 pandemic: a case for epistemic pluralism in public health policy, History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences.
Thomas Reydon, How can science be well-ordered in times of crisis? Learning from the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences.
Lucie White and Philippe van Basshuysen, How to overcome lockdown: selective isolation versus contact tracing, Journal of Medical Ethics.
Lucie White, We need to talk about corona apps, Journal of Medical Ethics Blog.
Stefano Canali, Further philosophical considerations about Covid-19: why we need transparency, Daily Nous.