GRK 2073 Projects

In their projects, the researchers of GRK 2073 investigated topics linking ethics and epistemology of science, such as the status of policy advice on the basis of computer simulations in climate science, the balancing of research goals and ethical aspects of medical treatment in clinical trials, the appropriate role of intellectual property in science, and the prospects of social scientific research on the basis of social network data. This page contains a list of all projects undertaken within the frame of GRK 2073.

Doctoral Projects

Matthias AckermannCausal Inference and Complex Systems: The Case of Climate Models

Dr. Markus Ahlers Artificial Intelligence and the Constitution of Social Systems

Dr. George BarimahThe Epistemic and Moral Dimensions of Testimony in Scientific Research

Dr. Birgit Benzing  Epistemic Features and the Societal Mandate in Animal Welfare Science

Dr. Stefano Canali  The Role of Data in Contemporary Biomedicine: A Data-Centric Study of the Exposome

Dr. Rui F. de Souza Só Maia Narratives and Model-Based Reasoning in Economics

Dr. Markus Dressel Values in Scientific Policy Advice

Dr. Philipp Eichenberger  The Tacit Assumptions of Scientific Practices and Experimental Setups in Positive Psychology

Dr. Enno Fischer  Actual Causation

Dr. Robert Frühstückl  Epistemological and Normative Problems in the Operationalization of Biodiversity

Minea Gartzlaff  Strategies to Combine Practical Usefulness and Epistemic Merit of Research in the Life Sciences

Ina Gawel  Functions of Periodicals and Peer Review. Towards Modern Role Responsibilities in Academic Publishing from the 17th Century Onwards

Dr. Deborah Haar  Computer Simulation as a Tool for Discovery: model-building, methodology, ontology

Lisa Heller  Was, wenn nicht Wahrheit? Probleme und Potentiale des Relativismus

Dr. Hannah Hilligardt  Science, Representation and Democratic Legitimacy

Dr. Anna Elisabeth Höhl  Scientific Understanding – What it is and How it is Achieved

Dr. Simon Hollnaicher  The Ethics of Integrated Assessment Modelling

Dr. David Hopf  Imbalance and the State of Research. Emergent Challenges to the Independence of Science

Dr. Daria Jadreškić  Epistemological and Ethical Aspects of Time in Scientific Research

David Lambert  A pluralistic philosophy of psychiatric research

Dr. Jonas Lipski  Evaluating Competing Explanatory Games in Economics

Dr. Luis Lopez  Understanding (with) Deep Neural Networks

Dijana Magđinski Tolić  Philosophy of Science at the Intersection of the Priority Rule, Replicability and Scientific Novelty

Hanna Metzen  Trust in Scientific Expertise

Daniel Montero Espinoza  An examination of the epistemic role of symptoms in psychiatric research

Basel Myhub  Identifying Strategies for Practically Useful and Epistemically Sound Research in Chemistry

Dr. Julia Pfeiff  The Construction and Application of Explanatory Models of Mental Disorders in Clinical Psychology

Anja Pichl  Exploring Limits of Biological Knowledge at the Example of Stem Cell Research

Ilvie Prince  Medical Interventions for Non-Disease States

Dr. Leon-Philip Schäfer Scientific and Moral Realism

Dr. Tobias Schönwitz  The Epistemology and Politics of Biodiversity Research

David Stöllger  Principled Revisability in Science and Society: A supplementary approach to respond to infectious disease outbreaks under the guidance of science

Dr. Fabio Tollon  AI, Agency, and Responsibility: From New Technologies to Old Problems, and Back Again

Henrik Roeland Visser  A Philosophical Analysis of Expert Judgments in Economics

Martina Valković  Cultural evolution: A critical view

Martin Wasmer  Ontology of Genome Editing in Agriculture for Legal Purposes and Ethics


Postdoctoral Projects

Dr. Corey Dethier  Uncertainty in Climate Modeling and its Epistemic, Methodological, and Ethical Implications

Dr. Saana Jukola  Amalgamating Scientific Evidence and Non-epistemic Values – The Case of Nutrition Guidelines

Prof. Dr. Anna Leuschner  Science, Objectivity, and Power

Dr. Tanja Rechnitzer  Public Understanding of Science as a Goal for Science Communication

Dr. Morgan K. Thompson  The Role of Values in the Explication and Operationalization of Constructs in Social Science and Medicine